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Find Your Confidence


My Story

As a professional health and fitness coach, my passion is to guide you towards a healthier lifestyle by helping you find your confidence. I know that everybody is unique, with their own strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn't mean that you aren't capable of LEVELING UP into your best self! ✨

My method is to build custom plans for you based on your health, schedule and more importantly, goals. I help struggling women find their CONFIDENCE and become STRONGEST version of themselves without crazy restrictive diets! I believe that balance is key, when it comes to nutrition, exercise, work, and social life. My guidance and support will help you make more mindful decisions when it comes to your health, by reframing your mindset and providing you with the tools, knowledge and support to be successful. I will help you find the right balance in your life, that you didn't think was possible.

Backing up a few years ago, I was a middle distance track athlete at the University of Arkansas. I lost myself over the years while struggling through injuries, and mental health blocks with poor support.... as no one wanted to believe me when I was crying out so desperately for help. Until, one day I woke up a with balloon for a leg. Later on, I was diagnosed with Deep Vein Thrombosis (a major blood clot in the thigh which ran from my hip to my ankle) and May-Thurner Syndrome (a structural condition where the iliac artery in your hip compresses your vein and in turn restricts blood flow and venous return). **Shout out to all those struggling through invisible illnesses.. I feel you, I understand you, and I am here for you ♥. This health diagnosis and crisis changed my life forever and ended my track career and (past) dreams all at once.


I had to completely start over. I had two options - to lose all hope and passion in life OR to find a new passion and work my ass off. In the midst of chaos and my final semester of undergrad, I found strength training and fell in love with it... HARD. I fell in love with how my whole mental health and mindset changed and became the bad ass woman I was always meant to be. I completely transformed by body and mind in a matter of months. I fell in love with coaching and transformed many people who I now know as friends and care for deeply.


If you are feeling unworthy, have low self- esteem and confidence and don't know where to start. I can help you. Everything you have always doubted you were capable of achieving, is in hands reach. I have full faith in you and the process.

But, do you?


What are you waiting for?


Come join the KSF squad and LEVEL UP into the best version of yourself


Kailee Sawyer 




There are many different ways to get fit and stay fit. Lose weight, run a marathon or get that beach body—take a look below at the different ways I can help achieve your fitness goals.


If you are looking for a custom built program for your unique goals, this is the program for you! This program is custom made for what ever you want/ desire to work on. From body building, to fat loss/sculping circuits, to training for races/competitions, training for sports... the list goes on. I am here to help you achieve your goals with the use of my knowledge and expertise.


If you look into the mirror and are unhappy with the way your body looks and feels, don't wait, take that next step and choose happiness. Choose YOU. This program will focus on building muscle, according to your specific goals. If you desire that bikini build- that hour glass figure - with defined shoulders, back, and glutes, this is exactly what you’re looking for!


I like to think of my services as life-changing. If you want to learn more about my clients’ past experiences and the amazing results they’ve achieved, check out some of their testimonials below!

"Over the years I have worked with a number of trainers, they were all cookie cutter routines which caused injuries.  Kailee is not like that!  She is fantastic!  My routine is specific to my ability and my goals – she is just the right combination of push and encouragement.  I have progressed farther than I ever thought was possible in a short amount of time.  I highly recommend working with Kailee to reach your goals!"


"I have struggled with body image and health for most of my life, losing and gaining 100lbs over and over again. I am uncoordinated and not familiar with exercise equipment, which made the gym intimidating for me. Without Kailee's guidance and support, I would have never felt comfortable enough to step foot in the gym! Now, I look forward to my training sessions and can't wait to achieve my goals with the help of Kailee!!"


"I never thought I would like going to the gym. I went occasionally but would mainly stick to the cardio section and didn’t see the results I wanted. That all changed when I started training with Kailee. She made me fall in love with the gym. Her inspiring and positive attitude kept me going when I wasn’t feeling motivated myself. Through her I’ve learned how to incorporate the gym into my daily routine which has resulted in me feeling strong, energized, and confident for the first time. Kailee helps me reach whatever goals I set and has made me feel comfortable lifting weights in a male dominated sport. My life has truly changed because of her and I know those who get the chance to train with Kailee will see change too."

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Where do I get my supplements from?

EPN is an extremely promising newcomer to the sports nutrition industry. They have a stellar team, high-quality products, and an affordable price point. If you're looking for an innovative, research-based, and delicious sports nutrition brand, I highly recommend giving Enhanced Performance Nutrition a try.

Use code KSAWYER10 for 10% OFF

Marble Surface
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Where do I get my fitness apparel from?

Their mission is to make women feel powerful and amazing in their workouts without spending a fortune.  Svelte Belle believes that all women deserve access to functional, high performing clothing that enables a distraction free workout experience. I love their clothing, the quality is amazing, super soft and stretchy and great for athleisure too!

Use code KSFITNESS for 30% OFF



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